Dried Organic Banana Chips, 6 lb

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Dried Organic Banana Chips. 6 lb. in bulk packing



  • Ingredients: Organic bananas, organic coconut oil, organic sugar, organic honey 


  • Benefits: Banana is one of nature\'s best sources of potassium. Potassium is known to significantly lower the risk of high blood pressure and related diseases like heart attack and strokes. Bananas are believed to prevent dangerous low-density lipoprotein from oxidizing, which causes it to stick to the walls of the arteries. This accumulation can contribute to atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, a major contributor to heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure. Even one serving of a potassium rich food, such as bananas, can lower your risk of stroke by up to 40%.

  • Suggested Use: Dried Fruits are very versatile. They can been used in baked goods, salads, sauces, trail mixes, hot cereals, muffins, scones, fruit cakes and homemade ice cream. Dried banana chips are good as a convenient and healthy snack.